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The Care and Comfort You Need With AH Concierge Physical Therapy


Physical Therapy Treatments in the Comfort of Your Home or Office

Whether you’ve been referred to us or are looking for help getting back on track, AH Concierge Physical Therapy is here to help. Unlike traditional brick-and-mortar offices, we are a mobile physical therapy practice serving patients throughout South-Central Maryland. We bring high-quality, personalized orthopedic physical therapy services right to your doorstep. Your first session will be a collaboration between yourself and your physical therapist to help determine what services will optimize your recovery.

What Do Our Former Patients Say?

doctor talking with client

Unbeatable Relief Only a Phone Call Away

While most of these services sound complicated, have no fear. We will be with you through each step of your recovery journey. Your therapist will help with your form and ensure that the exercises are perfect for you. Our team can even help with the financial side of physical therapy by offering courtesy billing. We would be happy to talk to you and get you scheduled for your first appointment. Regardless of your symptoms or what you’re going through, relief is only a phone call away.



physician taking notes about patient's health

Benefits of Our Concierge Physical Therapy Services

Our approach to physical therapy is centered around the patient. Unlike traditional physical therapy clinics, our therapists will make house calls and provide treatment in your home or office. This ensures that you have private one-on-one sessions providing you with an individualized experience designed to improve your mobility while reducing your need for surgery. You’ll work with the same therapist each session creating a relationship built to support you on your healthcare journey. Our dedication to your recovery helped established the pillars for our company in the form of our name, AHCPT:

  • Autonomy – You Control Your Treatment
  • Health – Holistic Physical Therapy Care
  • Commitment – We Are Dedicated to Your Recovery
  • Personalization – Care Unique to You
  • Trust – Honesty, and Confidentiality You Can Rely On

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AH Concierge Physical Therapy



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Hours of Operation
Sunday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Monday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Tuesday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Wednesday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Thursday: 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Saturday: Closed